Sunday, June 10, 2012

The snow pile is gone!

After working Monday through Friday we had the weekend off, June 2, 3, so we took an overnight weekend trip to Bozeman, MT which is about 125 miles north. When we returned the big chunk of snow on our campsite had melted away. Yippee!

We left Yellowstone Park and drove through West Yellowstone, MT before turning north to Bozeman. We were quite surprised to see a bison right on the main road. I was glad that I had the camera on my lap. I have learned to have it ready at all times because you never know when a photo opportunity will arise. Here he is.

As we drove north along the Gallatin River we saw white water rafting and zip lining across the river. I was not fast enough to get a picture, but we'd like to try the adventure later in the summer. We drove to Big Sky, MT which is a skiing resort with summertime activities. There was still snow on the mountain but there was no skiing to be seen. The scenery was breathtaking all along the ride. Here's one sample.

Bozeman is one of the larger cities around here with population of about 39,000. In addition to    WalMart we visited the Museum of the Rockies which is on the campus of Montana State University. Since our ID card gave us free admission we decided to check it out. There were several sections including Montana history and Native American history, but the main focus was on dinosaurs. What made it special was the fact that the dinosaurs were actually found and dug up in Montana. There were descriptions of many of the digs and displays of what was found over the years. In front of the building is Big Mike who was named after the tenth president of Montana State.

He was discovered in 1998. His skeleton was cast in bronze making him the first life size Tyrannosaurus Rex in the world. He is 38 feet long, 15 feet tall, and weighs 10,000 pounds. It was quite an impressive sight! At the museum there was also a temporary display of the life and artifacts of Napoleon. It gave us a refresher course in the history of his era. Neither of us remembered much from history classes long, long ago. One other part of the museum was a planetarium where we saw the Montana night sky and both dozed off a little during the presentation.

On Sunday on our way home we took a different route. We headed east to Livingston and then south to the northern entrance of Yellowstone. We drove along the Yellowstone River which was very scenic.

We stopped at Chico Hot Springs Resort to look around. It's quite a large resort with lots of activities but is mainly noted for its natural hot springs 96 degree pool and 103 degree spa. We didn't have out swimsuits so we didn't stay, but may go back later in the summer. Before entering the park we drove through Gardiner, MT, a charming little resort town. As we were passing through the northern entrance some elk came to greet us.

The scenery going south in the park was dazzling in the sunshine. The road followed rivers, and we passed several small lakes along the way. Here's on sample.

We didn't stop at Mammoth Hot Springs. We decided to save that for another trip. As we traveled along a bison was in the middle of the road. We are getting used to them, and I was not going to take a picture, but there was a man who got on top of his RV to get a better view. This is what we saw.

You just never know what you will see when you drive the roads of Yellowstone!

I'm not doing a good job writing the blog in a timely manner because so many things are happening, and time is flying by. I hope to improve. We are both liking the sales associate jobs very much. Every day is different, and we learn many new things each day. We have been scheduled the same shifts during the week with the weekends off. It's too much to hope for this to continue because we are getting 30 new employees this week. But maybe we'll get lucky.The store has been getting crazy busy, but the job is getting easier with experience. The food in the employee dining room continues to surpass our expectations and the associates and supervisors go above and beyond. Our major complaint right now is the weather. But they tell us it will warm up and the snow will stop. I hope they're right!

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