Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ziplining at Big Sky, MT

We decided in the middle of the week to go ziplining at Big Sky, Montana with another couple. On Saturday morning it was cloudy and the weather forecast was for a 60 percent chance of scattered showers. It wasn't the bright sunny day we were hoping for, but we took off on our adventure. As we drove north the clouds were thick in the distance. Big Sky, Montana, about 100 miles north of us, is a winter ski resort and also a summer resort with every outdoor activity imaginable. When we arrived we were sent to the gear room where we got outfitted for the adventure.

There were three guides who explained the whole process of what we would be doing, and showed us the three zip lines that we would be going across. We would be harnessed at all times. We felt safe and were ready to go. After we climbed to the first platform I looked down and said "Who's bright idea was this?" We all laughed and felt a little less nervous. There was a family of four with us and they went first so we got to watch. Then it was our turn. We could either step off or jump. I chose to step off the first time, but Dan jumped. That little spot in blue is Dan.

One of the guides was at the other side to help us land.

For the next zipline we walked up a long straight ladder to another platform. From that platform we saw the ladder that we would be climbing up next.

So we zipped across the second line. That time I jumped off. Since we had straps across our legs we were actually sitting on them so we didn't need upper arm strength. We held on to the straps in front of us, and they guided us along. If we wanted to turn in one direction we had to turn the strap in the opposite direction. But the ride went so fast that I didn't have time to remember which direction I wanted to go! After everyone completed the second zip we made our way up to the last platform. I made sure I didn't look down and told myself "one step at a time." The last zip was the most fun probably because we got familiar with the process and we were going across the Gallatin River. (This is where the movie A River Runs Through It was filmed.) When I went down I brushed the top of one of the trees. What a thrill!

Here I am at the end.

Then it was Dan's turn.

We congratulated ourselves at the end. We made it and didn't get drenched by rain.

Our friend Bob took some videos, and we attempted to insert them in this blog. So far we were unsuccessful but will continue to try and post them once we figure it out.

After the zipping we drove to a park and had a picnic lunch by a babbling brook. We then drove to Ousel Falls where we were planning to hike to the falls. Our luck with the weather ran out, and it began to pour so we drove back to Old Faithful.

On Sunday we took a hike to Tomato Soup Hot Springs. I wanted to add it to this blog but ran out of time. I'll post a blog describing it the next time I have a chance.

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